Sunday, January 26, 2020
General Strain Theory
General Strain Theory Agnew (2001) produced three different categories of strain that have the potential to induce a negative reaction. These categories include: being in the presence of negative stimuli, not being able to get past goal blockages, and the loss of positive stimuli. In context of the category of strain related to being in the presence of a negative stimulus, a negative stimulus can be described as any stimulus that has undesirable consequences. Some examples of negative stimuli include but are not limited to: sexual abuse, physical abuse, harassment, teasing, bullying, or any form of violence. With regard to strain as it relates to goal blockages, this form of strain involves an individual failing to meet their desired goals for one or more various reasons. An example of goal blockage would be when someone is unable to attend a prestigious private college because they cannot afford to pay tuition. Finally, in regard to the last category of strain, the loss of positive stimuli, positive stim uli can be operationally defined as a loss of a stimulus that has a desirable consequence. An example of one such positive stimulus would be an end to a desired relationship, or loss of a loved one. In addition to these three categorical theories of strain, Agnew (2001) came up with the idea that there are two different ways by which to measure strain: subjectively and objectively. Agnew (2001) says that subjective strains refer to conditions and events that are not liked by the people who are actually experiencing the m. In other words, subjective strains are personal conditions that someone has an aversion towards based on their experiences. Conversely, objective strains refer to negative conditions/ events that are not liked by most of the members of a specific group (Frggio Agnew, 2007). A powerful and common example of objective strain would be when people are or feel they are being deprived of basic human necessities. Agnew (2001) stated that almost all of his research on General Strain Theory involved using dealings of objective strain, with barely any measures of subjective strain. After Agnew came out with the aforementioned statement about not using as much subjective strain research as objective strain research, he became worried that other researches would undermine the integrity of Strain Theory on the basis that objective strains occasionally for m minor subjective strains (Agnew, 2001). What Agnew was suggesting in supporting objective strain over subjective strain was that emphasis needs to be placed on objective strain research; he never discredited the role of subjective strain research at any point.. As stated in the introduction, not everyone who experiences strains goes on to commit crimes. Instead, the vast majority of individuals have coping mechanisms that aid in the diversion from taking part in criminal behaviors. Agnew (2001) stated that it is only when these coping mechanisms fail that criminal activity may ensue. Agnew (2001) discusses four different types of characteristics that can potentially lead to coping by means of criminal behavior. The four different characteristics that will most likely lead to crime in the instance that coping mechanisms fail to provide sufficient relief from the experience of strain include: unjust, high in magnitude, associated with little to no social control, and strains that create stress or incentive to engage in criminal activities (Agnew, 2001). First, strain is more prone to lead to criminal behavior when it is seen as unjust or unfair, as this perception has the potential to trigger negative emotions, such as anger. When anger comes in to the picture, the individual will potentially think irrationally, making it easier for them to engage in criminal actions (Agnew, 2001). These crimes are often called crimes of passion. An example of a crime of passion can be seen in a husband assaulting a man he discovers his wife cheating on him with. Second, individuals turn to crime if the strain is perceived to be high in magnitude. More specifically, if an individual perceives strain as being significant, they are more likely to commit criminal activity than they would be if the strain was not as significant. For example, someone with a small amount of debt is less likely to engage in delinquent behavior than someone who has a large amount of debt. Another characteristic of strain is observed when a strain is coupled with little to no social control, which increases the likelihood of an individual committing a crime. Agnew (2001) says that this category of low social control can be broken down in three smaller subcategories: commitment, attachment, and absence of direct control. The fourth and final characteristic of strain that can lead to criminal behavior occurs as a result of strains that create stress or incentive to engage in criminal activity. One way stress can cause an individual to engage in criminal behavior can be seen occurring in response to financial hardships. For example, if a family is struggling financially, the son from this family may resort to physically assaulting other kids and stealing their money or possessions. Another example that would work for the fourth characteristic would be if the individual observes his/her model committing a crime. On Thursday, March 3rd, 2011 at about 11:00 a.m., police responded to a report of a possible child abduction in Palmdale, California. The suspect was a seventeen year old father who had taken his five month old baby. The sheriffs department located Christopher Earl Glass and his son, Christopher Glass Jr., driving in Glass car, and began to pursue the vehicle. During the course of the pursuit, deputies noticed Glass making stabbing movements inside the vehicle. As the sheriffs closed in, Glass crashed his white SUV, then took off on foot. A couple of deputies chased after the suspect, while others looked inside the SUV to check on the child. Christopher Glass Jr. had been stabbed multiple times. Police rushed the injured five month old baby to the hospital in a squad car. Regrettably, Christopher Earl Glass Jr. was pronounced dead at the hospital. While being pursued by authorities, Christopher Earl Glass broke in to a random house and, when cornered, charged at the police with a kni fe in hand, resulting in him being shot to death. By looking at all of the facts of the case, Agnew would say that this crime falls within the classification of General Strain Theory. First, Agnew would say that the strain experienced by Christopher Glass in this case could be measured subjectively, due to the fact that Glass was under extreme emotional distress.. Christopher Earl Glass thought that having a child at age 17 was too much to handle, and cracked under the pressure of being a new father. Agnew would also say that Christopher Earl Glass was under a great deal of strain because he was in the presence of a negative stimulus, goal blockages, and because he was experiencing a loss of positive stimuli. The new negative stimulus Glass experienced was his babys mother constantly hounding him for support and payments. Christopher was a talented athlete who was looking for the chance to get a scholarship to play collegiate basketball, but since he had a child, all of his dreams of ever going professional came crashing down. He al so had a loss of positive stimulus because he was a new father who had all of these new responsibilities that kept him from going out and having fun. These negative feelings, coupled with a loss of positive feelings, caused Christopher to think that getting rid of his son was the only means he had by which to restore balance to his life. Agnew would also say that Christopher shows all of the four characteristics that would make him want to resort to criminal behavior. In Christophers eyes, having a child at age 17 was an unjust situation. He was probably thinking to himself, Thousands of teens have unprotected sex every day; why did I have to be the one to have a child? Also, his babys mother chose not to have an abortion, and this might also have been something Christopher perceived as unfair. Because Christopher was a gifted and talented athlete, having a child at such a young age must have been perceived as a problem high in magnitude, because the responsibilities of being a new father redefined his priorities. The next characteristic of low social control can be seen when the babysitter essentially gave the baby to her father without contacting the authorities right away. Finally the last characteristic of strains that create pressure or incentive to engage in criminal activities is present because, in the report , it was mentioned that Christophers coach was talking to him about getting a scholarship to go and play collegiate basketball. This last characteristic of criminal coping was the final catalyst for Christophers need to relieve strain by means of criminal activity.. Agnew would argue that because Christopher did not have the coping skills to deal with his problem, he resorted to delinquent behaviors in order to deal with his situation.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Encourage Contact Between Students And Faculty Education Essay
In the universe, an country that has seen much investing is education. Knowledge or instruction was considered the â€Å" 3rd oculus †of adult male which gives him an penetration into all personal businesss. So many people from different age group spend a batch of their clip, money and attempts in prosecuting instruction in assorted establishments of larning. Old ages spent in primary, secondary schools, colleges and universities are about have a life-time in this instance, hence returns from such an investing should be high plenty to justify such attempt. Education is an investing to development, and hapless survey methods should non compromise the authorization of higher instruction establishment to bring forth, continue and circulate cognition and bring forth high quality alumnuss. Universities admit pupils with changing backgrounds in footings of learning/study manners, degrees of readiness and constructs of university instruction. Some were â€Å" drilled †, taug ht for tests, or have incorrect purpose / values of university acquisition. These negatively have impact on their survey accomplishments and accomplishment. In complementing the function played by academic staffs, pupils need to be witting of their survey personality and survey moralss as they influence analyzing. It is ineffectual to learn good while pupils lack the basicss to gestate and internalise the new cognition. Many times, college pupils have non had to pull off their clip expeditiously prior to college because they are bright and seldom challenged in high school. So some pupils who had ‘A ‘s and ‘B ‘s start receiving auxiliary tests and score C ‘s and D ‘s in college. Harmonizing to the National Commission on Excellence in Education ( 1984 ) , many pupils are unsuccessful in school because they lack effectual survey accomplishments. To counter this, the committee recommends that survey accomplishments be introduced to pupils really early in the schooling procedure and go on throughout a pupil ‘s educational calling. In a now authoritative survey of survey accomplishments, ( Entwistle, 1960 ) reported that pupils who voluntarily took a survey accomplishments class were more successful academically than similar pupils who did non voluntarily take the class. ( butcofsky, 1971 ) reported that pupils who have trouble in college often have unequal survey wonts that affect their academic accomplishment. A cardinal job, he noted, was that many of these pupils had non learned how to take effectual notes and manage clip for analyzing. To achieve an effectual survey in higher instruction we sometimes need guidelines and have to follow some certain regulations. We need to hold contact with pupils in our categories and module, as pupils and module members ; we have spent most of our school lives seeking to understand ourselves, and our establishments. And have conducted a small research on higher instruction with dedicate d pupils in a broad scope of schools. We draw the deductions of this study, trusting to assist us all do better, as we emphasizes clip on undertaking, respect diverse endowments and ways of acquisition, promote active acquisition, communicate high outlooks and several of them. But the ways different establishments implement good pattern depends really much on their pupils and their fortunes. In what follows, we describe several different attacks to good pattern that have been used in different sorts of scenes in the last few old ages.2.0 ECOURAGE CONTACT BETWEEN STUDENTS AND FACULTYFrequent student-faculty contact in and out of categories is the most of import factor in pupil motive and engagement. Faculty concern helps pupils get through unsmooth times and maintain on working. Knowing a few module members good enhances pupils ‘ rational committedness and encourages them to believe about their ain values and future programs. Forming seminars for freshers on of import subjects and these subjects will be taught by senior module members, this helps in set uping an early connexion between the fresh and senior pupils and the module in many colleges and universities. Faculty members who lead treatment groups in classs outside their Fieldss of specialisation theoretical account for pupils what it means to be a scholar. ( Arthur & A ; Zelda, 1987 ) In the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, three out of four undergraduates have joined three-fourthss of the module as junior research co-workers in recent old ages. At Sinclair Community College, pupils in the â€Å" College without Walls †plan have pursued surveies through larning contracts. Each pupil has created a â€Å" resource group, ‘ which includes a module member, a pupil equal, and two â€Å" community resource †module members. This group so provides support and assures quality3. 0 DEVELOPS RECIPROCITY AND COOPERATION AMONG STUDENTSLearning is enhanced when it is more like a squad attempt than a solo race. Good acquisition, like good work, is collaborative and societal, non competitory and stray. Working with others frequently increases engagement in larning. Sharing one ‘s ain thoughts and reacting to others ‘ reactions sharpens believing and deepens understanding. Even in big talk categories, pupils can larn from one another. Learning groups are a common pattern, in which five to seven pupils run into on a regular basis during category throughout the term to work out jobs set by the teacher. Many colleges use peer coachs for pupils who need particular aid. Learning communities are another popular manner of acquiring pupils to work together. Students involved in Learning Communities can take several classs together. The classs, on subjects related to a common subject like scientific discipline, engineering, and human values, are from different subjects. Faculties learning the classs coordinate their activities while another module member, called a â€Å" maestro scholar: ‘ takes the classs with the pupils. Under the way of the maestro scholar, pupils run a seminar which helps them incorporate thoughts from the separate classs.4.0 MotivationAcademic success or failure can bring forth the feelings of competency or incompetency in pupils. These feelings can impact pupils ‘ public presentations by their willingness to go on to larn or give up. ( Haynes, 1993 ) â€Å" It is believed that pupils who have high accomplishment outlooks attribute success to internal and external causes †. There are several schemes that can be used to actuate pupils to larn. ( Tonjes & A ; Zintz, 1981 ) ( 1 ) â€Å" Identify pupil ‘s involvements and taking stuffs that meet the involvements, abilities, and attitudes of the pupils †. Teachers should be able to place what the pupils are interested in so they can assist them take actuate them on geting that involvement. ( 2 ) Give clear aims of the lessons and assignments. ( 3 ) ( Mutsotso & A ; Abenga, 2010 ) â€Å" Allow pupils to take the undertaking and stuffs to finish the undertaking †.5.0 COMMUNICATE HIGH EXPECTATIONExpect more and you will acquire more. High outlooks are of import for everyone, for the ill prepared, for those unwilling to exercise themselves, and for the bright and well-motivated. Expecting pupils to execute good becomes a self-fulfilling prognostication when instructors and establishments hold high outlooks of them and do excess attempts. E.g. ( Arthur & A ; Zelda, 1987 ) in many colleges and universities, pupils with hapless yesteryear records or trial tonss do extraordinary work. Sometimes they outperform pupils with good readying. The University of Wisconsin-Parkside has communicated high outlooks for underprepared high school pupils by conveying them to the university for workshops in academic topics, survey accomplishments, trial pickings, and clip direction. In order to reenforce high outlooks, the plan involves parents and high school counsellors6.0 ACADEMIC INVOLVEMENTDefined as a composite of self-reported traits and behaviours ( e.g. , the extent to which pupils work hard at their surveies, the figure of hours they spend analyzing, the grade of involvement in their classs, good survey wonts ) , academic engagement produces an unusual form of effects. Intense academic engagement tends to retard those alterations in personality and behaviour that usually result from college attending. Therefore, pupils who are profoundly involved academically are less likely than mean pupils to demo additions in liberalism, hedonism, artistic involvements, and spiritual renunciation or decreases in concern involvements.7.0 ACTIVE LearningLearning is non a witness athletics. Students do non larn much merely by sitting in categories listening to instructors, memorising prepacked assignments, and ptyalizing out replies. They must speak about what they are larning, write about it, associate it to past experiences and use it to their day-to-day lives. They must do what they learn portion of themselves. Active acquisition is encouraged in categories that use structured exercisings, disputing treatments, squad undertakings, and equal reviews. Active acquisition can besides happen outside the schoolroom. There are 1000s of internships, independent survey, and concerted occupation plans across the state in all sorts of colleges and universities, in all sorts of Fieldss, for all sorts of pupils. Students besides can assist plan and learn classs or parts of classs. At Brown University, module members and pupils have designed new classs on modern-day issues and cosmopolitan subjects ; the pupils so assist the professors as learning helpers. At the State University of New York at Cortland, get downing pupils in a general chemical science lab have worked in little groups to plan lab processs instead than reiterate restructured exercisings. At the University of Michigan ‘s Residential College, squads of pupils sporadically work with module members on a long-run original research undertaking in the societal scientific disciplines.8.0 TIME MANAGEMENT AND HANDLING STRESS( Alexander, 1999 ) College decision makers are invariably preoccupied with the accretion and allotment of financial resources ; the theory of pupil engagement, nevertheless, suggests that the most cherished institutional resource may be student clip. Harmonizing to the theory, the extent to which pupils can accomplish peculiar developmental ends is a direct map of the clip and attempt they devote to activities de signed to bring forth these additions. For illustration, if increased cognition and apprehension of history is an of import end for history big leagues, the extent to which pupils reach this end is a direct map of the clip they spend at such activities as listening to professor ‘s talk about history, reading books about history, and discoursing history with other pupils. By and large, the more clip pupils spend in these activities, the more history they learn. Stress is any state of affairs that evokes negative ideas and feelings in a individual. The same state of affairs is non redolent or nerve-racking for all people, and all people do non see the same negative ideas and feelings when stressed. One theoretical account that is utile in understanding emphasis among pupils is the person-environmental theoretical account. ( Lazarus, 1966 ) Harmonizing to one fluctuation of this theoretical account, nerve-racking events can be appraised by an person as â€Å" disputing †or â€Å" baleful †. When pupils appraise their instruction as a challenge, emphasis can convey them a sense of competency and an increased capacity to larn. When instruction is seen as a menace, nevertheless, emphasis can arouse feelings of weakness and a fateful sense of loss. A critical issue refering emphasis among pupils is its consequence on acquisition. ( The Yerkes-Dodson jurisprudence 1908 ) postulates that persons under low and high emphasis learn the least, and that those under moderate emphasis learn the most. A field survey and research lab trials support the impression that inordinate emphasis is harmful to pupils ‘ public presentation. Mechanisms that explain why pupils perform severely under emphasis include â€Å" hyper watchfulness †( inordinate watchfulness to a nerve-racking state of affairs ensuing in terror  for illustration, over analyzing for an test ) and â€Å" premature closing †( rapidly taking a solution to stop a nerve-racking state of affairs, for illustration, hotfooting through an test ) . Students react to Higher Education in a assortment of ways. For some pupils, college or the University is nerve-racking because it is an disconnected alteration from high school. For others, separation from place is a beginning of emphasis. Although some emphasis is necessary for personal growing to happen, the sum of emphasis can overpower a pupil and impact the ability to get by. Time ON TASK Time plus energy peers larning. There is no replacement for clip on undertaking. Learning to utilize one ‘s clip well is critical for pupils and professionals likewise. Students need aid in larning effectual clip direction. Allocating realistic sums of clip agencies effectual larning for pupils and effectual instruction for module. How an establishment defines clip outlooks for pupils, module, decision makers, and other professional staff can set up the footing for high public presentation for all. E.g. ( 1 ) ( Mutsotso & A ; Abenga, 2010 ) larning how to finish assignments on clip will assist pupils succeeds academically. In the â€Å" Dynamics of Effective Study †pupils are taught how to form and pull off clip sagely. Students are taught how to schedule undertakings hebdomadal and monthly to guarantee success. To heighten the academic accomplishment of pupils, a survey accomplishments class was implemented in the course of study to assist pupils achieve the GPA standa rds. Freshmans have enrolled in this class since it was implemented in 1994. This survey will analyze the effectivity of the class, â€Å" Dynamicss of Effective Study, †on the academic accomplishment of freshers at this school. ( 2 ) ( Arthur & A ; Zelda, 1987 ) Mastery acquisition, contract acquisition, and computer-assisted direction require that pupils spend equal sums of clip on larning. Extended periods of readying for college besides give pupils more clip on undertaking. Matteo Ricci College is known for its attempts to steer high school pupils from the 9th class to a B.A. through a course of study taught jointly by module at Seattle Preparatory school and Seattle University. Supplying pupils with chances to incorporate their surveies into the remainder of their lives helps them usage clip good. As pupils in higher instruction, much is expected of us, and at the same clip there are so many distractions that come our manner. We need to be able to get the better of this distractions, know what to make at a peculiar point in clip, cognize when to acquire a school assignment done so that the work burden wo n't be much, and when to go to to other things. And most significantly know when to make these things at the right clip. So for us to be able to accomplish these purposes in due clip we as pupils need to be able to modulate our clip. For Example You may be making a class with faculties, where each one must be completed in a semester. You might sometimes necessitate to get down assessed plants before you ‘ve had all the categories, to finish it on clip you need to be after yourself good You may be making several faculties at one time all with a similar deadline taking to bunching of plants. If you do n't be after for this you might stop up under force per unit area. If you leave it excessively late to look for indispensable resources, they may non be available. Advance planning is every bit indispensable as the resources If you ‘re making paid work while analyzing, you need to suit it all together. So many pupils have domestic duties to suit in with class work, this besides needs planning.THINGS HIGH IN IMPORTANCE, LOW IN URGENCY.( DAVID, 2009 ) For module and alumnus pupils, things that are extremely of import but less pressing tend to include our original research and our personal relationships. Both are evidently of import, and we know that. But the world is that both of these tend non to experience every bit pressing as our duties for a category. For illustration, calculating out how to research the communicating kineticss that propelled a state to travel to war is undeniably of import, yet it merely does n't transport the same sense of immediateness as prepping for a category that occurs tomorrow and so once more two yearss subsequently, for the following eight hebdomads. Similarly, traveling out to dinner with a close friend can ever be put off until another twenty-four hours, right? And that ‘s precisely what happens with things that are of import but non ( as ) urgent  we tend to force them to the side. As a consequence, many of us get the instruction and pupil work done foremost and merely so turn to a focal point on original research or personal clip that nurtures us. If such clip does non happen, and it frequently does n't, so so be it. And that ‘s the hang-up of the affair. We must do certain that we devote clip to things that are extremely of import, but low in urgency. If we do non, the nature of the academy is that extremely of import, extremely pressing undertakings will herd everything else out. When that occurs, burnout ensues. Here are a few stairss that we can take to do certain we give equal precedence to things high in importance and low in urgency: Schedule them.A If you do n't schedule them, they do n't go on. As a module member, I schedule my research clip and personal activities, to do certain they happen. Otherwise they wo n't. Make different things on different yearss of the week.A I have found that I am best when concentrating on one primary type of work undertaking a twenty-four hours. That is, if I teach on Tuesday so I likely wo n't be much good as a research worker that twenty-four hours. For me, Mondays and Fridays tend to be yearss that I spend making chiefly research and commission work. Believe that you will really be a better instructor and pupil when you do take clip to plunge yourself in what is extremely of import, but non ( as ) urgent.A I ‘m wholly convinced that when I prioritize occasional pockets of personal clip I enrich my instruction and research because my head and energy are renewed.9.0 DecisionHow much a pupil achieves is in portion dependant on the survey methods that he/she applies. There is no 1 survey method that works better for all individuals. The secret lies in being able to place personal survey methods that work for each person in given environments, conditions and fortunes. This requires cognizing oneself in order to do good determinations about how to analyze and do clip, every bit good as know the assorted schemes that can be applied.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Environmental Engineering Essay
It involves waste water management and air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, radiation protection, industrial hygiene, environmental sustainability, and public health issues as well as a knowledge of environmental engineering law. It is a related study of environmental science. Main task of environmental engineers is to protect public health by protecting (from further degradation), preserving (the present condition of), and enhancing the environment. Some work of Environmental engineers: Conducts hazardous-waste management studies to evaluate the significance of such hazards, advise on treatment and containment, and develop regulations to prevent mishaps. Design municipal water supply and industrial wastewater treatment systems. Address environmental issues such as the effects of acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution and air pollution from automobile exhausts and industrial sources. Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical and biological sciences, (including but not limited to Ecology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Soil Science, Geology, Atmospheric Science and Geography) to the study of the environment, and the solution of environmental problems. Environmental science provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems. Environmental science came alive as a substantive, active field of scientific investigation in the 1960s and 1970s driven by the ff. ssues: (a)  the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to analyze complex environmental problems. (b)  the arrival of substantive environmental laws requiring specific environmental protocols of investigation. (c)  the growing public awareness of a need for action in addressing environmental problems. Related areas of study: environmental studies – incorporates more of the social sciences for understanding human relationships, perceptions and policies towards the environment. 2. environmental engineering focuses on design and technology for improving environmental quality. Components of Environmental Science: Ecology is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. Ecologists might investigate the relationship between a population of organisms and some physical characteristic of their environment, such as concentration of a chemical; or they might investigate the interaction between a two populations of different organisms through some symbiotic or competitive relationship. For example, an interdisciplinary analysis of an ecological system which is being impacted by one or more stressors might include several related environmental science fields. In an estuarine setting where a proposed industrial development could impact certain species by water and air pollution, biologists would describe the flora and fauna, chemists would analyze the transport of water pollutants to the marsh, physicists would calculate air pollution emissions and geologists would assist in understanding the marsh soils and bay muds. . Atmospheric sciences focuses on the Earth’s atmosphere, with an emphasis upon its interrelation to other systems. Atmospheric sciences can include studies of meteorology,greenhouse gas phenomena, atmospheric dispersion modeling of airborne contaminants,[3][4] sound propagation phenomena related to noise pollution, and even light pollution. Taking the example of the global warming phenomena, physicists create computer models of atmospheric circulation and infra-red radiation transmission, chemists examine the inventory of atmospheric chemicals and their reactions, biologists analyze the plant and animal contributions to carbon dioxide fluxes, and specialists such as meteorologists and oceanographers add additional breadth in understanding the atmospheric dynamics. 3. Environmental chemistry is the study of chemical alterations in the environment. Principal areas of study include soil contamination and water pollution. The topics of analysis include chemical degradation in the environment, multi-phase transport of chemicals (for example, evaporation of a solvent containing lake to yield solvent as an air pollutant), and chemical effects upon biota. As an example study, consider the case of a leaking solvent tank which has entered the habitat soil of an endangered species of amphibian. As a method to resolve or understand the extent of soil contamination and subsurface transport of solvent, a computer model would be implemented. Chemists would then characterize the molecular bonding of the solvent to the specific soil type, and biologists would study the impacts upon soil arthropods, plants, and ultimately pond-dwelling organisms that are the food of the endangered amphibian. 4. Geosciences include environmental geology, environmental soil science, volcanic phenomena and evolution of the Earth’s crust. In some classification systems this can also includehydrology, including oceanography. As an example study of soils erosion, calculations would be made of surface runoff by soil scientists. Fluvial geomorphologists would assist in examining sediment transport in overland flow. Physicists would contribute by assessing the changes in light transmission in the receiving waters. Biologists would analyze subsequent impacts to aquatic flora and fauna from increases in water turbidity. Ecology study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. – starts as early as 300 BC with the Greek named Theophastus, his interest with the interrelationship between organism and the living environment, become his as the Father of Botany. Environment refers to the sum of all the external forces and conditions acting on an organism or community of organism. – oekologie was coined by the german zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, comes from the greek word oikos, meaning home or a place to live in. defines as the relationship of animals both to the organic as well as the inorganic environment,            – in the mid-1900’s two group of botanist, one from the Europe and America, become interested in the study of plants communities, the Europeans concentrated on the composition, structure and distribution of plant communities, on the other hand the Americans concentrate to the development of plant, eventually they become interested at the animals as well, and gave a greater emphasis on inter-relationship of animals and plants. This become the birth of ecology as the formal field of study. – British economist, Thomas Malthus, gave special attention to population in the early 19th century, his the first one o recognized the conflict between expanding population and earths capability to supply it. – scope of ecology, organism (eg. Proto-plasma, cell, tissue, organ, organ system), population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere. Organism: Levels of organization of life (inside the organism): Protoplasma – it makes up the living substance of the cell. Cell – basic unit of life Tissue-group of cell performing specific functions Organ- group of tissue carrying a particular functions Organ system – group of organ doing s specific function. Levels of organization of life (inside the organism): Population – group of organism of the same kind or species occupying a particular place at a particular time. Community – a group of populations occupying a given area. Ecosystem – basic unit of ecology, refers to the interaction between the organism and environment. It includes population, communities, habitat (the place where the organism lives) and the environment. eg. forest, grassland, river, etc. ) Biosphere – world of life. It is the portion of the earth where in life on its any form existed. Components of ecosystem: Biotic – they are the living components of ecosystem consisting of plants, animals and bacteria. Abiotic – they are the non living component that consist of substrat um, light, rainfall, nutrients, soil, temperature, etc. Biotic Components: Green plants     known as the producers. They capture the energy coming from the sun and together with the CO2 in the air and H2O converts this into food energy. They are called autotrophs (self nourishing), they manufacture their own food through the process of photosynthesis. There are also microscopic green plant called phytoplanktons, they give the green color to the bodies of water such as lake and rivers  Animals Known as the consumers. Obtain other food sources to other plants and animals they are called heterotrophs. Three types of consumers: Herbivores – that eat plants only Carnivores – animals that eat other animals. Omnivores- eat both plants and animals. Bacteria and Fungi They are called decomposers. They eat the dead bodies of plants and animals, where they get their energy and convert it to other nutrients back into the environment. They are popular called the janitor of the nature. Abiotic Components: Soil the upper layer of the earth’s crust affected by plants and animals serves as the habitat and pool of nutrients for many organism. Humus dark decaying organic substance found in the soil. Physical characteristic of soil: Color The color of the soils is influence by the element present in the soil. Soil color and element presesent: Grey (lacks of iron) Brown & red (rich in iron) Texture the texture of the soil affects the amount of water and nutrients the soil can hold. Texture of the soil: Sandy (composed of coarse particles) Clay (consist of fine particles) Silt (composed of medium size particles. ) Loamy (mixture of clay, sand and silt) Moisture Water content of the soil. It is influence by factors such as: Texture Amount of rainfall Slope of the land Underlying rock type. pH The concentration of hydrogen ions on the soil. The soil which contain a large amount of lime is alkaline and with large amount of granite id acidic. pH value raging from 1-6 is acidic and 8-14 are basic while those with 7 reading is neutral type of soil. Structure Refers to the arrangement of it’s particle which build up larger amount of soil structure is called peds. The peds damage will result to the poor drainage of water to the soil. 2. Water Importance of water in ecosystem: It comprise of a large percentage of the tissues of all living organism. Required by plants to support their non woody tissues. Used by the plants as a vessel of nutrients from the soil. It is absorbed by the plant and release in the environment which produces the cooling effect. Plant adaptation to water: (Based on the tolerance of plant to water. ):                   * Hydropytes (Plants that grow in water and waterlogged soils)                   * Halophytes (Plants that grow in saline environment. )                   * Xerophytes (Plants that grow in dry or arid condition. 3. Temperature Affects the plant and cooled blooded animals by controlling their metabolism. Affect the water loss of the organism. Most organism function at temperature between 0 degree to 50 degree centigrade.. 4. Wind An agent of pollination and seed dispersal. It also affects transpiration in the plants by causing faster evaporation with in their surroundings. Pathways of energy: Energy It is needed by the organism for growth, maintenance and repair and for life. Organism obtain their energy by two ways: Autotrophy (producing their own food) Heterotrophy (eating other organism) Food Chain Consist of the sequence of organism that eat other organism through which energy is transferred. Every food chain starts a producer and end with decomposers. Trophic levels of food chain: First trophic ( producers) Second trophic (herbivores called primary consumers) Third trophic (carnivore that eat hervobores) 4th trophic (carnivores that eat carnivores) In food chain the energy transferred from one trophic level to another is decreasing. Food web Consist of several interlocking food chain. It is a transfer of energy involving several pathways. Nutrients cycle: Classification of Nutrients: Macronutrients – those that are required by organism by large quantities. Ex. Oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen Micronutrient – are needed by the organism by smaller amounts. Ex. Sulfur, potassium, iron, and phosphorus. Water Cycles: Evaporation (from bodies of water) Respiration ( from animals) Transpiration (from the trees) Condensation (accumulation of all the vapors, transpiration and respiration) Precipitation (for rain) Runoff (water run from the higher grounds) Carbon and Oxygen cycle: Carbon is mostly present in the environment by cabon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is present at: It could be found at dead organism. Volcano eruption. Respiration of animals. Oxygen is abundant in plants transpiration, it is release in the air as a waste product and absorbed by animals. Nitrogen Cycles: Nitrogen constitutes 78% of air in the atmosphere. Plants used it as a nitrates, and nitrogen converted it by two process: The action of lightning. Process of action by specialized organism such as legumes. Communities Community Group of different kinds of organism or species living together in a particular place. Worlds Major communities: 1. Dessert Biome Bushes and shrubs for vegetation Sandy, dry and loose type of soil. Less than 10 cm of rain fall in a year. Lizards, snakes, eagles, owls, toads, insects and small
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Ethics Ethics And The Workplace - 1407 Words
In this day in age ethics is a big part of businesses. An Ethical employee tends to make decisions in the best interest of their employers, co-workers, and also outside companies other than themselves. This being said I will be discussing how ethics and communication can help and benefit you in the workplace and how it can build relationships with employees, what companies look for in their workplace using ethic also some statistics of how ethics benefits the workplace, and a few cons businesses run into. Before ethics policies were pushed there was failure to even practice value-based ethics which could be what you stand for or self-image. These are a few simple ethical things companies were lacking such as, calling in sick to work but not really sick, having affairs with a co-worker while being married, lying to customers or co-workers, taking supplies from work, or taking credit for work another co-worker did. Being ethical in a work place is a commitment to always doing the righ t thing. Even though all people in a workplace have their values in the company, an ethical employee is more financially valuable to their employers, and also valued more by their co-workers. An Ethical employee allows people to open up to them by building trust with them. The way that you could do this is to share private information and feel more comfortable communicating with other co-workers. By creating this relationship with other co-workers you could make productivity better and easierShow MoreRelatedEthics And Ethics Of The Workplace1014 Words  | 5 PagesEthics in the Workplace What is Ethics and why is it an important part of the workplace? Ethics or moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. (Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia) Decisions taken within an organization may be made by person or groups, but whoever makes them will be influenced by the culture of the company. A decision to behave ethically is a moral. Employees need to decide what they thinkRead MoreEthics in the Workplace1223 Words  | 5 PagesGood ethics is essential in the workplace to have a good, working environment. Many companies now enforce ethics training, in hopes that the good ethics will rise above bad ethics. But in too many cases that does not happen. It is important to enforce good ethics in the workplace so that trust may be a result. Employers must be able to build trust around their employees and visa versa. Employees must also be able to trust fellow employees. When bad ethics are being displayed by an individualRead MoreEthics in the Workplace1201 Words  | 5 PagesEthics in the Workplace Classical and Contemporary Ethical Philosophies Ethical philosophies served as guide for people in the workplace to make moral decisions in conducting business. There are classical normative ethical philosophies as well as contemporary ethical philosophies being used. They have been applied in the different levels or dimensions of the business organizations. People do know that there are business organizations that have disregarded ethical standards and encounters ethicalRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Workplace923 Words  | 4 Pagesis aimed at providing the larger audience an overview of the ethics of the workplace related to the issues of ownership, privacy and monitoring in a working environment. 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They are supposedRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Workplace1554 Words  | 7 Pages Ethics in the Workplace We as individuals come across situations in our daily lives that force us to make decisions that we may always agree with morally as well as decisions that may push our moral compasses to their limits. If you are a working professional no matter what the field, these decisions can come with big ramifications, good or bad. I have come to find that with every individual there comes a different set of beliefs, attitude, boundaries and ethical views. We do not all share theRead MoreWorkplace Ethics1008 Words  | 5 Pages Assignment 2: Workplace Ethics Danielle Davis Professor Kenneth A. Pino BUS 309: Business Ethics Abstract Regardless of your occupation, employees have the right to privacy. Case 9.1: Unprofessional Conduct shows how Pettit privacy was violated. Pettit was a teacher of many years and never had a bad evaluation of her work. 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